Who am I and what can I do for you and your employees?
As a realtor for over 20 years I have witnessed firsthand the lending industry and real estate professionals continually get individuals and families into homes that long-term will adversely affect their ability to create wealth, reduce debt, and have proper safeguards in place against major catastrophic financial events.
Typically lenders will approve Buyers to the maximum price limit (similar to buying a car, how much can you afford), based on underwriting guidelines and not an individual's personal comfort level or budget. This is heightened by the fact that Colorado Employees incomes are typically around the US national average roughly $50,000, while housing costs are 28% above the national average for monthly expenses. This causes incredible stress for individuals and employees to cut out other very essential expenses
We believe in the old adage or the carpenters rule “measure twice and cut once”. If we can help educate your employees on all aspects of prudent financial management including RESPONSIBLE HOME OWNERSHIP we can create a winning financial game plan. Since a mortgage for an individual is many times the largest single budget expenditure this allows employees to feel more in control of their money. Rea Quickly Financial Wellness and Responsible Relocations Services helps each employee put an individual financial blueprint together to succeed financially in all areas of their lives and thus lower stress in their lives.
Financial clarity and education creates confidence and certainty that tomorrow will be better than today. Resulting in happier, more productive employees….
The RealQuickly Team has aligned with Dave Ramsey to bring financial education, coaching and systems that have helped more than 6 million people to take control of their financial futures and have a concrete plan to make sure their outlook for tomorrow is bright. This proven plan and methodology will allow us to help employees RealQuickly assess, plan and move toward a better life and increased workplace productivity.
Some facts about your employees and associates that might surprise you
70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. - The Wall Street Journal 2021
60% of Americans do not have a budget to track expenses. - National Financial Literacy Survey 2021
71% said they’d find it difficult to meet their financial obligations if their paycheck were delayed just one week. - American Payroll Association 2018
The average consumer has 4 credit cards and $15,799 in household credit card debt. - Consumer Reports 2019
774,940 people filed for bankruptcy in the United States in 2019. - National Center for Education Statistics
The average American retired with just $65,000 in 2019. - The US Census Bureau
The average student loan borrowed in 2020 was $37,172 with an average monthly payment of $393. - The US Census Bureau
Job stress is estimated to cost American industry $300 billion annually or $602 per worker per year
Wellness Council of America 2019
Nearly 1 in 4 (23%) of Fidelity’s 401k accounts have loans against them
Fidelity Investments Survey 2020
A lack of financial education for workers is “the most critical unaddressed workplace issue”
Cambridge Human Resource Group 2011
45% of employees experiencing financial setbacks have been distracted at work by money problems
Inc.com 2021
Problem: 92% of employees are losing sleep due to financial worries
Worries: Presenteeism- employees are showing up for work, but are more worried about their financial issues than they are about getting their jobs done
Fears: Absenteeism- employee absence accounts for the equivalent of 35% of base payroll
Bottom Line: The average worker spends 16 hours a month, or 10% of a 40-hour work week, on non-work related issues due to financial concerns
83% of 450 HR Professionals surveyed said they are considering providing employees with educational literature and/or workshops by local specialists.
Each program is tailored for your employees
Spend 10 minutes with Kevin’s team to see how strong the need is for Financial Wellness at your organization.
Participate in an online demo of the RQ Financial Wellness Program so your group can see our program in action
We conduct an hour session for your employees for a minimum of 20 participants. Otherwise we do a zoom call with several groups.
Get feedback and tailor ongoing follow-up and communications to fit your company’s needs.
-Personal Finance Employee Education Foundation
-Corporate Wellness Magazine
Real Estate Team
Dave Ramsey Financial Coaches
Legal & Accounting Partners
Trusted Home Services
RQ Preferred Lenders & Financial Partners
Thank you for your time!
Kevin Byrne | (303) 931-2283 | [email protected]